●  Each of the top 10 submissions will be assigned a unique hashtag, such as #PhotoAfricaVote[01-10].

● To vote for their favorite submission, supporters and followers are required to:


* Follow FunTimes Magazine's official social media accounts.

* Like the post of the chosen submission on FunTimes Magazine's social media platforms.

* Share/repost the post on their personal social media accounts.

* Include the unique hashtag or name of the chosen submission in their reposts, captions or comments.





Valid votes must adhere to the following criteria:

-  Voters must be following FunTimes Magazine's official social media accounts to cast their vote.

- Each person is allowed only one vote per submission.

- Voters must not use any automation or artificial means to manipulate the voting process.

- Only one vote per user account per submission will be counted (1 follow=1vote, 1 like from a follower= 1vote, 1 comment or more from a follower= 1 vote).




At the end of the 3-day voting period, FunTimes Magazine will tally the votes for each submission, considering the number of likes, shares, and reposts for each post.

Announcement of Top 5: The top 5 submissions with the highest number of valid votes will be announced. They will move on to the next stage of the PhotoAfrica competition.



- FunTimes Magazine will actively monitor the voting process to ensure fair play and adherence to the voting guidelines.

- Any suspicious or fraudulent activities detected during the voting period may lead to the disqualification of the respective submission.